Have you asked Allah for forgiveness today?
Have you asked Allah to make you be with Muhammad (sal-Allâhu 'alayhi
wa sallam) in Jannah after you die? O Allah, forgive and guide us and
grant us the company of the righteous in this Dunya and in the
Hereafter. Ameen.
How Muslims Should Behave in A Non Muslim Society
I invite you to have respect for those people who have the right that
they should be respected, those between whom there is an agreement (of
protection) for you. For the land in which you are living is such that
there is an agreement between you and them. If this were not the case
they would have killed you or expelled you. So preserve this agreement,
and do not prove treacherous to it, since treachery is a sign of the
hypocrites, and it is not from the way of the Believers. And know that
it is authentically reported from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that
he said,
Whoever kills one who is under and agreement of protection will not smell the fragrance of Paradise.
Do not be fooled by those sayings of the foolish people, those who say "Those people are Non-Muslims, so their wealth is lawful for us (to misappropriate or take by way of murder and killing)." For by Allah -this is a lie. A lie about Allah's Religion, and a lie about Islamic societies.
So we may not say that it is lawful to be treacherous towards people whom we have an agreement with.
O my brothers. O youth. O Muslims. Be truthful in your buying and selling, and renting, and leasing, and in all mutual transactions. Because truthfulness is from the characteristics of the Believers, and Allah - the Most High - has commanded truthfulness - in the saying of Allah - the Most High!
Whoever kills one who is under and agreement of protection will not smell the fragrance of Paradise.
Do not be fooled by those sayings of the foolish people, those who say "Those people are Non-Muslims, so their wealth is lawful for us (to misappropriate or take by way of murder and killing)." For by Allah -this is a lie. A lie about Allah's Religion, and a lie about Islamic societies.
So we may not say that it is lawful to be treacherous towards people whom we have an agreement with.
O my brothers. O youth. O Muslims. Be truthful in your buying and selling, and renting, and leasing, and in all mutual transactions. Because truthfulness is from the characteristics of the Believers, and Allah - the Most High - has commanded truthfulness - in the saying of Allah - the Most High!
O you who believe - fear and keep you duty to Allah and be with the truthful
And the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) encouraged truthfulness and said,
Adhere to truthfulness, because truthfulness leads to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise. And a person will continue to be truthful, and strive to be truthful until he will be written down with Allah as a truthful person.
And he (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) warned against falsehood, and said,
Beware of falsehood, because falsehood leads to wickedness, and wickedness leads to the Fire. And a person will continue lying, and striving to lie until he is written down with Allah as a great liar.
O my brother Muslims. O youth. Be true in your sayings with your brothers, and with those Non-Muslims whom you live along with - so that you will be invitees to the Religion of Islam, by your actions and in reality. So how many people there are who first entered into Islam because of the behaviour and manners of the Muslims, and their truthfulness, and their being true in their dealings.
Always Bear in Mind, of your Accountability on The Day of Resurrection.
407. Abu Barzah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "Man's feet will not move on the Day of Resurrection before he is asked about his life, how did he consume it, his knowledge, what did he do with it, his wealth, how did he earn it and how did he dispose of it, and about his body, how did he wear it out.'' [At-Tirmidhi].
1. This Hadith first of all highlights the importance and value of this transitory life, every breath of which is invaluable. Not a moment of it should, therefore, be wasted in the disobedience of Allah because one shall also be made to account for it.
2. Man shall also be answerable for his knowledge. Here, we find an inducement for acquiring religious knowledge because that alone is beneficial for him. He should make use of his knowledge for winning the pleasure of Allah. If he does not do that then he must think about the justification for not doing so. He must also think how he would be facing Allah on the Day of Resurrection.
3. The question in respect of wealth raised in this Hadith clearly shows that one should earn wealth by legitimate means only and spend it strictly in a lawful manner. If he takes to unfair means of income or squanders it, he will be sinful and required to account for the violation of the Divine injunctions.
4. One should protect his body from everything that is unlawful and force himself to submit to the Divine injunctions. When he is asked to account for neglecting them, it will be difficult for him to escape the consequences of accountability.
In short, this Hadith makes one conscious of the accountability so that one keeps it all the time in view so that he will be saved from humiliation on the Day of Resurrection. How nice would it really be if one bears the accountability of the Day of Resurrection always in mind!
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